Our Six Absolute Favorite Picture Books - if we could only have 6 picture books in our house, these would be them.

6 Picture Books We Enjoy Reading Again and Again

Kids love repetition, especially when it comes to reading the same books over and over again. It can be so good for language development but as a parent you want to make sure the books you are reading over and over are good ones, not the if-I-have-to-read-this-one-more-time-I’ll-pull-my-hair-out kind.

I was thinking the other day, if we could only own 6 picture books, which ones would I choose?

These ones!

Also, I thought I would switch things up and get the kids to help me share our favorites via video. Ephraim was loving being on camera 🙂



6 Picture Books We Love Reading Again and Again - if we were to only own 6 picture books, these would be them.



Rainy Day Magic

This was my favorite picture book growing up, I could quote it for years!

It’s a rainy day, boring as can be, until Victor and Joey decide to make their own fun. Soon chairs turn into castles, bumblebees turn into tigers, and whales and starfish frolic in a watery kingdom.


The Foot Book

A toe-tapper babies will love–the classic Seussian book about opposites: “Wet foot, dry foot. Low foot, high foot…”


The Caboose Who Got Loose

Katy caboose doesn’t like her life at the back of the train. Stuck with clouds of billowing smoke from the engine and a bumpy, jolting ride, she longs for some peace and quiet. When her rusty bolts bust loose, Katy finally gets the life she wants in a way she never expected!


One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere” . . . So begins this classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss. Beginning with just five fish and continuing into flights of fancy, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish celebrates how much fun imagination can be. From the can-opening Zans to the boxing Gox to the winking Yink who drinks pink ink, the silly rhymes and colorful cast of characters create an entertaining approach to reading that will have every child giggling from morning to night: “Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”


The Paper Dolls

A string of paper dolls go on a fantastical adventure through the house and out into the garden. They soon escape the clutches of the toy dinosaur and the snapping jaws of the oven-glove crocodile, but then a very real pair of scissors threatens.


The Lorax

“Unless someone like you…cares a whole awful lot…nothing is going to get better…It’s not.”

Long before saving the earth became a global concern, Dr. Seuss, speaking through his character the Lorax, warned against mindless progress and the danger it posed to the earth’s natural beauty.

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