8 Great Space Books we used for our SOLAR SYSTEM unit
The first unit both my kids decided on for this school year was the Solar System Research Unit.
Of course, my main go to when doing any kind of research is books.
So we pulled out all the books about the solar system that we own and requested a bunch from the library.
Today I wanted to share the good books with you (because there were some duds in the ones we checked out).

When it comes to books about the solar system (and science books in general) I am okay with using books that disagree with our views, like books that talk about evolution, we have conversations about it and share why we believe otherwise. I think it’s a good thing to teach kids that not everyone believes the same as we do and for them to go into books with the idea that even though things are printed in a book it doesn’t mean it is right.
If you are looking for a unit for the solar system you can check out the Solar System Research Unit that we used here.

Okay, so here are the books we enjoyed and referred to the most during this unit.
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Do you have any space books you would add to the list?