Currently Reading – April 18

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Here’s what we’ve been reading this week:


THE MOM – I finished The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman, I think I ended up giving it 3 stars, I would maybe stretch that to a 3.5. She had some good points and maybe it was just the season of life I am reading it in but I didn’t really enjoy it that much and I can’t currently explain (or even understand) why.

I’m still reading The Book of Negroes/Someone Knows My Name for my library book club next week. I’m just over half done now and really need to buckle down to get it done. I feel like the words are easy to read but it’s a deep subject so I wish I had more time to read it so I could go through it slower. I’m not allowing myself to start any other books until I get this one down though.


THE GIRL (8) – I’ve struggled with Raeca’s lack of reading the last few months but wasn’t sure if I should push her to read or just let it ride out a bit. She used to curl up and read for hours on end and that just hadn’t been happening lately.  I talked to Jared about it and he said he would like her to at least read a bit before bed most days, so we implemented that at the beginning of the week and suddenly she’s back into reading. She spent at least an hour curled up on a chair this morning reading, it’s been nice to see that happening again. She is now almost done Best Family Ever by Karen Kingsbury and she’s got a stack of books for after waiting on her nightstand, just like her mother.


THE BOY (5) – Ephraim had another breakthrough moment with his reading last weekend. We were playing Outfoxed and he kept reading the names of the characters (which were mostly NOT phonetic) and doing such a good job, it really built up his self esteem. He’s been continuing to read from the Usborne Very First Reading series, lots of re-reads of Stop that Cow and moving on to the next few books as well (Moon Zoom and Run Rabbit Run).


THE AUDIOBOOK – We are continuing on with Redwall, we’re only about 1/3 of the way through so we’ll be listening to it for the next couple of weeks.

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