free encouraging homeschool magazine

A Free Encouraging Homeschool Magazine

I truly enjoy blogging and sharing our homeschool story here in this space. I try to share the things that work as well as the things that don’t work.

But I was recently thinking about how nice it would be for there to be an encouraging digital homeschool magazine that would be a great resource for those interested in homeschooling in the future, those new to the homeschooling thing as well as those who have been at it for a long time.

So, as with most things, I decided to make one!

Well, kind of.

I would like to make one with your help!

I am looking for homeschoolers to share their story. It could be the story of how you came to homeschool, a breakthrough in learning for one of your kids, something you’ve learned as you teach your children at home, a method of learning that works for you, etc. I’m pretty much looking for any positive story about homeschooling.

If you’ve been homeschooling for any length of time I am sure you have a story to share and I would love for you to be able to use it to encourage others.

In addition, I hope to have a section listing some of your favorite homeschooling resources as well as a list of your favorite read alouds.

Once I have collected enough stories for volume one I plan on putting it together with some photos and making it available for free so we can help encourage other homeschoolers.

Interested in participating? Just fill out the form below. I’m excited to see what comes from this!



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One Comment

  1. I have two children, 3 & 8 months. As a former preschool teacher, I get so excited about the thought of being able to pass on the gift of knowledge to my children. A friend of mine, with twin 5 year olds & some Home issues I will not go into, decided to give up on homeschool. I know she’s bummed, but it’s ultimately the best decision for her & her family. I love the idea of giving others encouragement along the way, because I’m not even there yet & it seems a tad daunting. 🙂

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