Memes, Jokes and Puns to Teach Your Children Grammar in a Fun Way
I’m a big fan of grammar memes, and judging by how popular they are when I share them on Instagram, I’m not alone!
But let me be honest, just because I love grammar memes does not mean I have the perfect grammar. I’m already worried about all the mistakes I’ll be making just writing an introduction to a grammar post!
(I’m sure my overuse of exclamation marks is a very big grammar no-no.)
Memes and funny grammar jokes are a great way to learn about grammar with your kids, it’s a way to make an otherwise boring subject like grammar fun.
I would be remiss to write this post and not mention the book Eats, Shoots and Leaves Why, Commas Really DO Make a Difference!:
Eats, Shoots and Leaves contains hilarious illustrations showing how a comma can make an incredible difference in a sentence. For example: Slow, children crossing. verses Slow children crossing. With the addition of great illustrations it gives children a great visual to the difference.
On that same note, the author also has a couple more grammar picture books; Twenty-Odd Ducks: Why, every punctuation mark counts! as well as The Girl’s Like Spaghetti: Why, You Can’t Manage without Apostrophes!
Okay, now it’s time to share some hilarious grammar memes!
Ironically, the grammar in these puns is pretty terrible.