50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child
I’ve been going through our picture books the last few weeks and doing the unthinkable: setting some aside to get rid of.
It’s like I’ve got two sides when it comes to this: my minimalist side and my bibliophile side.
I want to get rid of everything but I want to keep the books.
So, I’ve come to a decision to at least get rid of the picture books that aren’t our favorites.
I know a great picture book can be enjoyed by all ages but as my children get older I feel like we have less need to keep so many picture books. Especially with our weekly library hauls, all the picture books are at our fingertips.
We do have a number of picture books we can part with, whichΒ my minimalist side is happy about, but while I’ve been going through all the books I’ve been realizing how many really great books there are.
And if you have been around this site for any length of time you can guess what happened next: I decided to create a book list.
This time though, I came up with 50 books every parent should read to their child.
Could I have thought of more books than just 50? Absolutely! But I didn’t want to get overwhelming and so I decided to pick just 50; 25 picture books and 25 chapter books.
There are a few books that I really wanted to add to the list but I tried to keep it well balanced so for whatever reason a few trusted favorites didn’t make the cut.
I also have some very specific tastes when it comes to children’s books. I know I am nearly alone when I say that I don’t really like Curious George or Winnie-the-Pooh (can a Canadian really say that about the cute little bear that was from this country? No offence, Winnie.). So, those books aren’t on the list. And there are some great series’ that are represented on the list and I just tried to pick the one I personally think is the best from the series.
All in all, don’t get upset at me if your favorite book didn’t make the cut. Just send me an email or leave me a comment and let me know which book(s) you would add and who knows, maybe they will make it onto a part two list if I make one down the road!
Okay, I’m done chatting now. πΒ π