A Flexible Homeschool App Review
There are all sorts of homeschool planners. You’ve got the “plan-every-detail-to-the-exact-second” type and the “we-just-do-what-we-want-when-we-want” type. And then about a thousand other types in between.
For those of you that fall between the two extremes, I’ve got a cool resource to share with you today!
The folks over at A Flexible Homeschool App contacted me to test out and share a review of their site with you.
In case you haven’t heard of it before, A Flexible Homeschool App is a great homeschool planning resource for those who love planning and recording their homeschool digitally.
Actually, according to their site, A Flexible Homeschool App is for organized moms who want to stay focused on providing a quality education for their kids. (Though, I would add in that it is also for “wannabe organized moms” because the site helps you become more organized!)
The site is made for us homeschoolers and made by homeschoolers. These people get us.
I used the site to document our recent study on bees. I loved being able to input the books we would be reading, links to YouTube videos as well as other resources.
I liked being able to link directly to books on Amazon (especially when some books have very similar names), but then I could also link directly to other resources including YouTube videos since we use some good YouTube channels on a fairly regular basis in our homeschool, I also used it to link to other online resources we use (like various printables).
I think A Flexible Homeschool app is perfect for organizing unit studies, it’s nice to have a full list of our resources in one easy spot.
* create a flexible plan
* keep track of each kids work individually (because we all know that kids don’t all learn at the same pace)
* record what you did and how long it took
* create a list of resources you will use for each unit (you can even mark if it’s a resource you already have, one you need to borrow or one you need to buy)
* take a break from your plan without it messing up your plan
* not worry about constant notifications when you “fall behind”
* easily create printable reports (perfect for those who need to send in reports at the end of each year, or those who need to send them in more often)
I think A Flexible Homeschool App is a great resource for homeschoolers, especially those who enjoy digital planning or use a lot of digital resources (it’s a lot easier to save a link online than to try to write one down!).
For those of you who have to send in year end or progress reports to your province/state/school division I would highly recommend using A Flexible Homeschool App because you can also create term or year end reports. I know some of you have to go so far as documenting how much time you spend “schooling” and this would be a great tracker!
At the end of our school year I always need to send in a periodic log and a (small) portfolio to our school division. I’ll admit, there have been many times where I have relied on pictures I’ve taken to help me fill out the periodic log. If I had been using something like the Flexible Homeschool App it would have made filling out the periodic logs so much easier.
If you are curious if A Flexible Homeschool App is right for you, here are some of my thoughts:
* your homeschool plan changes on a regular basis
* you use a lot of online resources (YouTube videos, printable worksheets, etc)
* you like to plan digitally
* you like to be organized
* you like to keep digital records
* you need to keep a fairly detailed record of your homeschool (either for your own sake or that of your province, state or school division)
* you like to input your learning on the go
* you are a die hard paper and pen planner and recorder
* you never deviate from your original plan
If you want to try A Flexible Homeschool App out and see if it will work for you and your homeschool you can use the code: intentional to try it out for free for two months!
Check out A Flexible Homeschool App!