π a huge HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL π with a forest, autumn theme
We’ve gotten a lot of books out from the library about mushrooms, fungus and forests lately, come look inside our library haul!
In the last few weeks we have really been taking advantage of some great digital resources in our homeschool. I’ve got a post in the works sharing a variety of them but today I wanted to focus in on one resources we have been loving. We are a fairly digital family; my husband earns his…
Well, we went to the library again and got a ton of books out! Apparently we’ve already checked out over $2,300 in value out already this year. That’s a lot, probably not nearly where we are usually at because I didn’t request much January and February but it’s still a lot. And that doesn’t include…
Once again I have another library haul to share! We’ve been getting some really good books from the library lately and the kids have spent hours pouring over them. These have been some of our favorites.
Today I am sharing another homeschool library and giving you a peek inside a lot of great books! I am so thankful for our library and all the books we can check out for free. I use my library a lot as a resource to decide if we should buy a book or not, it…
I think there is often this idea that most of us believe at one point that homeschooling needs to look just like regular school done at your home. When other mothers say “oh, I could never homeschool”, they are often imagining pages of worksheets, coloring pages, spelling tests and planning for all the subjects. The…
We read so many books in our homeschool each month and today I wanted to share the GOOD books we read in January! Listen to the podcast here: Or watch on YouTube: Books Mentioned in this Episode: