Books About Worldschooling & Teaching Your Children Through the World
I believe the best way to teach your kids about the world is to show it to them!
That being said, I know there are seasons when it just isn’t possible (or it’s more difficult) for whatever reason.
I have big dreams of showing my kids the world and exploring it with them. We got Ephraim’s updated Canadian citizenship certificate in the mail a few weeks ago which means we just need to get him a passport and then we can officially leave the country (though no official plans are in place right now).
Staying inside of Canada for two years has been a challenge for me in some ways but in other ways it has been so good. There is definitely something to getting involved in community, it has been very good for our family. But I’m ready to start exploring again.
In the meantime, while we’ve been here, we’ve been learning how to Explore the World from Home, and it’s helped ready us for travelling again!
This book is great for teaching your kids about the world right from the comfort of your home. It includes lots of different ideas and lists of books (picture books and chapter books) for a number of different countries.
Give Your Child the World: Raising Globally Minded Kids One Book at a Time
Featuring a carefully curated reading treasury of the best children’s literature for each area of the globe, as well as practical parenting suggestions and inspiration, Give Your Child the World helps moms and dads raise insightful, compassionate kids who fall in love with the world and are prepared to change it for good.
Tsh and her family spent nearly a year traveling around the world. I would recommend this book to anyone that has a dose of wanderlust.
At Home in the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe
In her late thirties and as a mom to three kids under age ten, Tsh Oxenreider and her husband decided to spend a rather ordinary nine months in an extraordinary way: traveling the corners of the earth to see, together, the places they’ve always wanted to explore. This book chronicles their global journey from China to Thailand to Australia, Sri Lanka, Uganda, France, Croatia, and beyond, as they fill their days with train schedules, world-schooling the kids, and working from anywhere. Told with wit and candor, Oxenreider invites us on a worldwide adventure without the cost of a ticket; to discover people, places, and stories worth knowing about; to find peace in the places we call home; and to learn that, as the Thai say, in the end, we are all “same same but different.”
World Schooling: How to Revolutionize Your Child’s Education Through Family Travel
Ever wondered if it’s possible to combine the adventure of traveling the world with the responsibilities of raising a family? Worried about the traditional education system and want a better alternative for your children? Lost as to how you can finance world travel with your family by your side? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! “World Schooling: How to Revolutionize Your Child’s Education Through Travel” dives into the growing movement of families leaving the 9-to-5 routine to live a life of greater freedom and adventure. More importantly, it explains exactly how YOU can do it too. The book breaks down the barriers to education through family travel, liberating you and your family from the traditional education system and guiding you into the incredible alternative education movement that is world schooling. It will help you discover which of the four main approaches to world schooling fits your family best, and put within your reach the dream of traveling the world with your children by your side. By the time you finish this book you’ll have a potent arsenal of educational resources, an empowering vision of how you can earn money regardless of your location to fund your travels, and a game plan ready to make it all happen.
These next three are on my “to read” list:
Roadschooling: The Ultimate Guide to Education Through Travel
How can I educate my children while traveling full time? Will my child learn all he needs to know? Will our travels be a good thing for my children? Roadschooling: The Ultimate Guide to Education Through Travel is designed to answer all these questions and more. It will provide not only theoretical background about how children learn, but give concrete advice on how to take advantage of your travels to educate your children. Go travel with confidence, knowing that you are giving your children the best possible education.
One Year Off: Leaving It All Behind for a Round-the-World Journey with Our Children
Have you ever wanted to take a year off from your life? A meandering, serendipitous journey around the world with your family? It sounds impossible. But one day, David Elliot Cohen, co-creator of the bestselling Day in the Life and America 24/7 book series, decided to make this dream a reality. Over the course of six months, he and his wife sold their house, cars, and most of their possessions. He closed his business and pulled their three young children out of school. With only a suitcase, a backpack, and a passport per person, the Cohen family set off on a rollicking round-the-world journey filled with laugh-out-loud mishaps, heart-pounding adventures, and unforeseen epiphanies. In Botswana, the Cohens’s tiny motorboat is charged by a hippo. In Zimbabwe, lions ambush a buffalo outside the family’s tent. In Australia, their young daughter is caught in a riptide and nearly pulled out to sea. In One Year Off, you can join the family on a trek up a Costa Rican volcano, cruise the canals of Burgundy by houseboat, and ride ferries through the Greek Islands. Later, as the Cohens wander further off the tourist trail, you can drive through the villages of Rajasthan, traverse the vast Australian Nullarbor, and discover the charms of Cambodia’s Angkor Wat and the hidden shangri-las of northern Laos. Over the course of these adventures, the Cohens learn to live as a family twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend time together without the distractions of modern life. The author rediscovers the world through his children’s eyes and gains new perspective of his own life. This humorous, heartfelt story is the next best thing to taking the trip yourself.
360 Degrees Longitude: One Family’s Journey Around the World
Much more than a travel narrative 360 Degrees Longitude: One Family’s Journey Around the World is a glimpse at what it means to be a “global citizen”—a progressively changing view of the world as seen through the eyes of an American family of four. After more than a decade of planning, John Higham and his wife September bid their high-tech jobs and suburban lives good-bye, packed up their home and set out with two children, ages eight and eleven, to travel around the world. In the course of the next 52 weeks they crossed 24 time zones, visited 28 countries and experienced a lifetime of adventures. Making their way across the world, the Highams discovered more than just different foods and cultures; they also learned such diverse things as a Chilean mall isn’t the best place to get your ears pierced, and that elephants appreciate flowers just as much as the next person. But most importantly, they learned about each other, and just how much a family can weather if they do it together. 360 Degrees Longitude employs Google’s wildly popular Google Earth as a compliment to the narrative. Using your computer you can spin the digital globe to join the adventure cycling through Europe, feeling the cold stare of a pride of lions in Africa, and breaking down in the Andes. Packed with photos, video and text, the online Google Earth companion adds a dimension not possible with mere paper and ink. Fly over the terrain of the Inca Trail or drill down to see the majesty of the Swiss Alps—without leaving the comfort of your chair.
Do you have any favorite books about worldschooling?
Check out the Explore the World Resource Guide to explore the world from your own home!