Breakfast & Books
I love reading books to my kids. If all we do is read a few books each day I feel like I’ve taught them something, even if we never touched on any other subjects.
But for the past few weeks our read alouds had been getting pushed off for one reason or another and I knew it was time to figure out a good space for them to be in our day.
After listening to a recent episode of The Homeschool Sisters Podcast I felt inspired by Cait’s daily #coffeeandbooks posts to start adding our read alouds into our breakfast time. We already use lunch time to listen to an audiobook (our current listen: Matilda) but for some reason I hadn’t thought to add any books into our breakfast time.
Now I get the kids set up for breakfast during the week and while they are quietly eating away I read our Bible story and then a few picture books or a picture book plus a few chapters from the chapter book I am reading aloud (right now we are reading Frindle, it was on our read aloud list for the summer but we didn’t get to it).
Once they are done eating they go off to play while I have a chance to eat my breakfast in relative peace and enjoy a chapter or two from one of my current reads (what I’m reading right now: Home-Making, A Wrinkle in Time, Parenting the Wholehearted Child, Missional Motherhood & Messy Church).
I’ve been spending a couple minutes each night picking out the books that we will read during breakfast the next morning and I set them on the kitchen table and it’s been the perfect reminder in the morning!
Do you read books as you eat breakfast in the morning?