26 Activities for Kids to do While Listening to Audiobooks

26 Activities for Kids While Listening to AUDIOBOOKS

My kids listen to a lot of audiobooks, it’s a great quiet time activity, plus listening totally counts as reading! Audiobooks are excellent for all children because they can usually listen to a book above the grade level they can currently read at (which is excellent news for kids who are a little slower to…

The Best Audiobooks for Preschool to Adult
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The Best Audiobooks For Preschool – Adult

We listen to a lot of audiobooks in our home. I’ve admitted before that this is mainly because I am not great at reading chapter books aloud, and also because I like a fairly quite lunch time. I’ve written a whole list of tips and tricks from when we use audiobooks to how we get…

Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for ages 7-10
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Nine Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for 7-10 Year Olds

This is my third year sharing a list of read alouds I would like to get to during the summer. You can view the first one here and the second one here. The first two lists were more early elementary based and this one is starting to get a little older as my kids get…