Homeschool Reading Wrap Up - a look at the books we've been reading lately
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a homeschool READING WRAP UP – a look into all the books we’ve read lately

Today I thought we would share a bit of a reading wrap up of the books we read in the first two months of our homeschool year. Each of my kids are sharing about the books they’ve read off the lists I made for them and I’m sharing about our read alouds (audiobooks and morning…

Family Read Alouds for our Homeschool Year 2021-2022
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FAMILY READ ALOUDS: 13 books we want to read in our homeschool in the 2021-2022 school year

We love a good read aloud in our family and today I am sharing thirteen (not twelve like I said in the video) books we want to read aloud (aka listen to) in the next school year. Now, when I say read alouds what I actually mean is listen tos because I am terrible at…

Family Read Aloud Books we want to read together as a family this year
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12 Books on Our List for Family Read Alouds This Year

With a new school year approaching I wanted to compile a list of books for family read alouds. For us the term family read aloud mostly means family audiobooks since we still mostly just listen to a book together as a family at meal times. But, I think some of the books on my list for this…

Great Chapter Books for Girls - read aloud novels and audiobooks for girls from preschool until grade four
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Chapter Books for Girls – Novels Girls (& Boys!) Will Love!

I recently shared a book list that included 18 great chapter books for boys and today I wanted to come and share some good chapter books for girls! Honestly, I think both genders would like all the books on both lists but I mostly tried to keep the books on the girls list to have…