Easy Chapter Books for Kids - great beginner chapter books for early readers

EARLY READER CHAPTER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS – great novels for beginner chapter books

Today I am collaborating with Abby from Bear Hill Family to share some early reader chapter books with you! My second child is in/just getting out of the early reader chapter book stage so I wanted to share some books that have been favorites of my kids over the years. If you have some great…

Family Read Alouds for our Homeschool Year 2021-2022
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FAMILY READ ALOUDS: 13 books we want to read in our homeschool in the 2021-2022 school year

We love a good read aloud in our family and today I am sharing thirteen (not twelve like I said in the video) books we want to read aloud (aka listen to) in the next school year. Now, when I say read alouds what I actually mean is listen tos because I am terrible at…

2021 New Picture Book Releases - great sounding picture books that are being released February 2021
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New Picture Book Releases We Want to Read: February 2021

I’m excited to share a list of books that are coming out in February that sound really good! In case you missed it, I recently shared a post that had January’s new picture book releases as well as middle grade novels that are being released in the first few months of 2021. Once again, I’ve…

January 2021 New Picture Book Releases - Anticipated Picture Book Releases we are excited about!
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New Picture Book Releases We Want to Read: January 2021

Last week I shared a list of middle grade books coming at in the first few months of the year and this week I thought I would share some new picture book releases that sound really good. Originally I was going to make this list include picture books that were coming out January through to…