What My Ten Year Old Read - 48 Books for Middle Grade - lots of middle grade fantasy, mystery and historical fiction

WHAT MY TEN YEAR OLD READ in the last two months – lots of fantasy and mystery books!

So, I thought we’d do a reading wrap up for the last two months and since my ten year old has read so many books lately this video is all about what she has read. I recently shared a list of books that I wanted her to read in grade six and even though the…

Family Read Alouds for our Homeschool Year 2021-2022
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FAMILY READ ALOUDS: 13 books we want to read in our homeschool in the 2021-2022 school year

We love a good read aloud in our family and today I am sharing thirteen (not twelve like I said in the video) books we want to read aloud (aka listen to) in the next school year. Now, when I say read alouds what I actually mean is listen tos because I am terrible at…

Middle Grade Book Recommendations for Grade 6 - a great middle grade book list

GRADE 6 BOOK LIST – middle grade books I’m recommending my 6th grader read in our homeschool

Every year I like to make a book list for my kids. Not really required reads but highly recommended reads. I am excited about this list for my daughter who will be going into grade six in the fall because I enjoy middle grade books and have read most of them on this list and…

12 of the best middle grade books being released in 2021 from March through to June
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12 of the Best Middle Grade Releases 2021: March – June

There are so many good sounding books coming out this year! I keep thinking I’ve heard of them all when new ones are announced. There are lots of middle grade books being released from March through to June but these are ones that I’ve heard about and are currently on my radar. It’s not an exhaustive list…