Middle grade books set during World War II
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16 Gripping World War II Books for the Middle Years (Grades 4-8)

I have been on a big World War II reading kick in my own life lately. History never interested me when I was younger but these days it seems like I can’t get enough! I’ve found that I really enjoy reading about history through historical fiction books (and some really good non-fiction ones too). While…

Our Favorite Family Read Alouds - elementary read alouds we love as a family
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Eleven Chapter Books with Positive Female Characters for Young Girls

In the last year or two I’ve really been paying attention to the type of books we have been reading as I’ve been focusing a lot on making sure I am raising children with good character. Books with inspiring, courageous and positive characters are becoming more and more important to me. As parents we are…

Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for ages 7-10
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Nine Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for 7-10 Year Olds

This is my third year sharing a list of read alouds I would like to get to during the summer. You can view the first one here and the second one here. The first two lists were more early elementary based and this one is starting to get a little older as my kids get…

50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child
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50 Books Every Parent Should Read to Their Child

I’ve been going through our picture books the last few weeks and doing the unthinkable: setting some aside to get rid of. It’s like I’ve got two sides when it comes to this: my minimalist side and my bibliophile side. I want to get rid of everything but I want to keep the books. So,…