Thanksgiving Picture Book List - plus 2 bonus Thanksgiving and gratitude books

Thanksgiving Picture Books That Inspire Gratitude

I’ll be honest, Thanksgiving doesn’t get it’s due in our home. First of all, in Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the second Monday of October, personally I think it’s too early in the fall season for the celebration, plus my daughter’s birthday is on the 2nd of October so we are always thinking about that and…

Bird Literature Guide - a literature unit study on birds using The Burgess Bird Book for Children
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The Best Picture & Chapter About Birds Books

Today’s book list is all about birds! We have been studying birds as we read along with The Burgess Bird Book for Children so this is the perfect book list for this season. I’ve created a bird literature guide to go along with The Burgess Bird Book, those who are on my weekly newsletter list…

The Ten Best Living Books About Nature - beautiful and inspiring science books about nature
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The Ten Best Living Books About Nature

I’ve admitted time and time again that science is not my strongest subject. BUT over the last two years I have really started to enjoy nature study, I can’t identify a single tree to save my life but I am learning lots (apparently just not about trees). While I grew up on a farm with…

The best fall picture books for kids. Great books for autumn reading.

The Best Fall Picture Books for Kids

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are but fall came early here this year, we started having fall-like weather in the last two weeks of August! I know thatĀ autumn means different things depending where you live, those in more southern regions don’t truly experience fall until the dead of winter while…