Eight Picture Books for Little Builders and Engineers
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Eight Picture Books For Little Engineers and Builders

If you have a little one in your home that is into building things you’ll love these picture books! I often find myself wondering what my kids will chose to “do” or “be” when they grow up. I’m definitely not going to force them to do anything but I like looking for their strengths and…

MORE Pictures Books That Will Have Kids Laughing Out Loud

Nine More Funny Picture Books That Will Have Your Kids Laughing Out Loud

We are on a serious funny book kick around here. We all enjoy laughing out loud to some really great books. We’ve come across some really good ones recently and just had to share. If you missed it you can check out our first list of funny picture books here. (Edit to add: I’ve added…

Picture books that spark imagination! Nine books with characters with great imagination that will help spark imagination in your children.

Nine More Books with Great Imagination to Spark Your Child’s Imagination

The most popular book list I’ve shared so far as been Nine Books To Spark a Child’s Imagination, for good reason too, it includes some of my absolute favorite picture books. Today I wanted to share nine more books to spark your child’s imagination.   NINE BOOKS WITH GREAT IMAGINATION TO SPARK YOUR CHILD’S IMAGINATION Rosie Revere…