Poetry Tea Time in our homeschool
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Easy & Enjoyable Poetry Tea Time in Our Homeschool

Poetry Tea Time is something we’ve been doing for a few months now in our homeschool and I’ve had a few people ask about it. I first came across the idea of Poetry Tea Time on Instagram and through my rabbit trail found out that the idea started with Julie from Brave Writer. Of course…

Our Six Absolute Favorite Picture Books - if we could only have 6 picture books in our house, these would be them.

6 Picture Books We Enjoy Reading Again and Again

Kids love repetition, especially when it comes to reading the same books over and over again. It can be so good for language development but as a parent you want to make sure the books you are reading over and over are good ones, not the if-I-have-to-read-this-one-more-time-I’ll-pull-my-hair-out kind. I was thinking the other day, if…

7 Books for Learning About Oceans and Sea Creatures
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7 Books For Studying Oceans & Sea Creatures

I totally blame it on the show Octonauts but we’ve been on a bit of an underwater kick around here lately. Each week Raeca picks a new animal or two to learn about in science and we’ve had a good stretch of sea creatures; pilot fish, jellyfish and the green sea turtle). The kids have…