9 books with characters with great imagination that will help spark imagination in your children.

Books with Great Imagination to Spark Your Child’s Imagination

A few days ago I shared that books are one of my favorite ways to foster imagination in children and today I wanted share a few of our favorite imaginative books with you. (If you like this list, you’ll love 9 MORE Books To Spark Your Child’s Imagination!) The books on this list not only…

A list of a few great resources to help you in a variety of different ways in your homeschool day.
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7 Books to Help You in Your Homeschool Days

I thought it might be beneficial to share my favorite homeschooling books. Not all of these are actually homeschooling books but they all help me in homeschooling in one way or another. For instance, Reading Magic is about reading aloud to our children and is for every parent and has tips in it that I believe…