Huge Homeschool Library Haul - a look at the picture books and resources books we've checked out in our homeschool lately
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πŸ“š BIGGEST HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL YET πŸ“š um, so we got a lot of picture and resources books out . . .

Here’s a look into our most recent homeschool library haul, it’s a huge one! And honestly, I had fully intended to film a flip through of all the books but I got overwhelmed by the sheer number of books here. I think I may have to make these videos a little more frequent if I…

Easy Chapter Books for Kids - great beginner chapter books for early readers

EARLY READER CHAPTER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS – great novels for beginner chapter books

Today I am collaborating with Abby from Bear Hill Family to share some early reader chapter books with you! My second child is in/just getting out of the early reader chapter book stage so I wanted to share some books that have been favorites of my kids over the years. If you have some great…

What My Ten Year Old Read - 48 Books for Middle Grade - lots of middle grade fantasy, mystery and historical fiction

WHAT MY TEN YEAR OLD READ in the last two months – lots of fantasy and mystery books!

So, I thought we’d do a reading wrap up for the last two months and since my ten year old has read so many books lately this video is all about what she has read. I recently shared a list of books that I wanted her to read in grade six and even though the…

Family Read Alouds for our Homeschool Year 2021-2022
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FAMILY READ ALOUDS: 13 books we want to read in our homeschool in the 2021-2022 school year

We love a good read aloud in our family and today I am sharing thirteen (not twelve like I said in the video) books we want to read aloud (aka listen to) in the next school year. Now, when I say read alouds what I actually mean is listen tos because I am terrible at…