Get the most out of your library with these tricks and save yourself thousands each year

Ten Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Library – and Saving You Thousands

We use the library a lot. Like a LOT, A LOT. So much so that they usually give us our own shelf for our holds. #jobsecurity #yourwelcomelibrarians       We have an awesome library system where we live, I used to take it for granted and then I started sharing some of our library…

Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for ages 7-10
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Nine Summer Read Alouds and Audiobooks for 7-10 Year Olds

This is my third year sharing a list of read alouds I would like to get to during the summer. You can view the first one here and the second one here. The first two lists were more early elementary based and this one is starting to get a little older as my kids get…

The Ultimate Guide to Using Audiobooks in Your Homeschool
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The Ultimate Guide to Using Audiobooks in Your Home

We are big into audiobooks in our home and I get a lot of questions about it. About a year ago I wrote a post about How to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Homeschool Day but we’ve amped up our listening since then so I figured it was time to go big and share The Ultimate…

Why We Love Epic Books - Thousands of Digital Picture Books and Chapter Books for Kids 0-12 and how we are using them in our homeschool

Digital Homeschooling – Adding Digital Picture Books & Chapter Books into Our Homeschool

In the last few weeks we have really been taking advantage of some great digital resources in our homeschool. I’ve got a post in the works sharing a variety of them but today I wanted to focus in on one resources we have been loving. We are a fairly digital family; my husband earns his…

How to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Homeschool Day and Your Everyday
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How to Incorporate Audiobooks into Your Homeschool Day – and Your Everyday

I have mentioned before that I’m not the greatest at reading novels aloud but I love to read so as a result we listen to a number of audiobooks. But even though I’m not that great at reading novels out loud I still held onto the belief that if we owned the book I needed…

A list of a few great resources to help you in a variety of different ways in your homeschool day.
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7 Books to Help You in Your Homeschool Days

I thought it might be beneficial to share my favorite homeschooling books. Not all of these are actually homeschooling books but they all help me in homeschooling in one way or another. For instance, Reading Magic is about reading aloud to our children and is for every parent and has tips in it that I believe…