CURRICULUM HAUL – for preschool, grade one, six & nine!
I recently ordered some curriculum for the fall from Christian Book, here’s what I all got!
I recently ordered some curriculum for the fall from Christian Book, here’s what I all got!
Today I am finally sharing our homeschool curriculum for the year! My kids are in grade 4 & 7 this year – crazy! RESOURCES MENTIONED September Morning Basket video 10 Minute Bible Journey The Story The Bible Recap A Line A Day (printed) A Line A Day (digital) The Solar System Research Unit Grade 7…
Today I thought I would show you a look into what our homeschool looked like this morning. We are currently alternating between the Flight Research Unit and the Butterflies & Bees Research Unit and alternating within the Butterflies & Bees. So, one day we do Flight then the next is Butterflies, then back to Flight, then Bees, then…
We have been working hard the last while to get the Intentional Homeschooling Curriculum all polished and ready to go and I am excited to announce that it is finally here! This curriculum and the units and other products included are what we use in our own homeschool and we are excited to be able…
Here’s a look into our weekly homeschool rhythm as well as the resources and curriculum we use! The Intentional Homeschooling Curriculum will be releasing April 19th!
I’m excited to share our preschool plans for the year! I’m using the idea of preschool curriculum really loosely here, it’s more like a list of preschool goals and a list of resources we are going to be using. All the things I can link will be included below! PRESCHOOL LINKS…