why we started using GATHER ROUND: some initial thoughts & mini review + what we plan on doing next

why we started using GATHER ROUND: some initial thoughts & mini review + what we plan on doing next

Well, it’s been a few months since I shared a video. I am excited to finally be back with another one! If you get my newsletter you’ll already know that we decided to give the Gather ‘Round curriculum a try – a big change from our normal unschooling ways – and today I want to…

How to create your own Charlotte Mason elementary schedule

Our DIY Charlotte Mason Homeschool Schedule – Part Two

Welcome back to what is turning out to be an entire series on Charlotte Mason homeschooling! In case you missed them and want to check out the other posts, here’s where you can find them: What is the Charlotte Mason Method and Why We are Switching to it Resources We are Using in Our Charlotte…

Charlotte Mason homeschool DIY curriculum for elementary - year 0 and year 3

Our Charlotte Mason Homeschool Schedule – Year 0 & Year 3 – Part One

Alright, I’ve been promising to share our Charlotte Mason homemade homeschool schedule/curriculum that I’ve put together for this year and it’s taken me awhile to get it all sorted out but here it finally is! Just a few things to note before we get into it . . . We are not Charlotte Mason purists….