Card Games to bring to Family Gatherings
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Quick CARD GAMES that are perfect to bring to family gatherings

During the Christmas season we have quite a few family gatherings. Some of them my kids have relatives around the same age and some they don’t. Whether or not they have people around the same age we generally bring a couple card games along to play. Card games are great for these circumstances because they…

Homeschool Resource Haul - lots of games, picture books, elementary books and middle school books
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Another Homeschool Resource Haul: lots of good books and games for our homeschool!

We got a “few” more new books and games for our homeschool and I wanted to share these new resources with you! I’ve been stocking up on some new books and games for the new school year and I’m so excited about some of the new resources we have. I love it when my kids…