Famous Canadians Free Notebooking Pages - great for learning Canadian history
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Free Notebooking Pages – Famous Canadians

One of the things I love about homeschooling is following the interests of my kids. I am really looking forward to the day when they “know what they want to be when they grow up” (or you know, at least an idea. I’m not even sure if I know what I want to be when…

Middle grade books set during World War II
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16 Gripping World War II Books for the Middle Years (Grades 4-8)

I have been on a big World War II reading kick in my own life lately. History never interested me when I was younger but these days it seems like I can’t get enough! I’ve found that I really enjoy reading about history through historical fiction books (and some really good non-fiction ones too). While…

Our curriculum plans for homeschooling grade one and preschool.
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An Overview of Our Homemade Grade 1 & Preschool Curriculums

Today is our official start to our first year homeschooling! I have been waiting for this day for about 3 years and I’m kind of nervous that it will all blow up in our faces, I don’t think it will but that fear is definitely there. When I started thinking about what I all wanted…