Creating a Vision Statement for Your Homeschool - the WHY and HOW - Intentional Homeschooling Podcast

007: Creating a Vision Statement for Your Homeschool – the WHY and HOW

I’m already thinking about planning for our homeschool for next year! Today I wanted to share about creating a vision statement for your homeschool, why you should do it, and how to go about it. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST EPISODE: WATCH ON YOUTUBE: LINKS, BOOKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: QUESTIONS TO HELP CREATE…

2022-23 HOMESCHOOL CURRICULUM & our Charlotte Mason-inspired, interest-led, unit study approach
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2022-23 HOMESCHOOL CURRICULUM & our Charlotte Mason-inspired, interest-led, unit study approach

Today I am finally sharing our homeschool curriculum for the year! My kids are in grade 4 & 7 this year – crazy! RESOURCES MENTIONED September Morning Basket video 10 Minute Bible Journey The Story The Bible Recap A Line A Day (printed) A Line A Day (digital) The Solar System Research Unit Grade 7…

OUR PRESCHOOL PLANS - resources we are using with the three year old for preschool
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OUR PRESCHOOL PLANS – resources we are using with the three year old for preschool

I’m excited to share our preschool plans for the year! I’m using the idea of preschool curriculum really loosely here, it’s more like a list of preschool goals and a list of resources we are going to be using. All the things I can link will be included below!         PRESCHOOL LINKS…

Grade Three Curriculum Picks - history, math, language arts and science curriculum choices for 2021


Today I am continuing a look into our curriculum picks for the fall. You can check out our grade six curriculum picks here. I hope to have preschool up soon!       GRADE THREE CURRICULUM PICKS & RESOURCES Line a Day Journal Reading Journal for Kids Bible Journal: Junior Edition Bible Memory Workbook Creative…

Our Grade Six Homeschool Curriculum Picks for 2021 - different resources we will be using


So, I’ve never done one of these but I thought I would show our curriculum plans for grade 6 for the fall. I’m using the term “curriculum” very loosely here. We are very much eclectic homeschoolers, bordering on the unschooling side but this year my daughter is going into grade six and I want to…