Creating a Rich Writing Experience in Our Homeschool with Brave Writer and The Writer's Jungle
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Creating a Rich Writing Experience in Our Homeschool

I’m honestly not sure if one can be involved in the homeschool community in any way online without quickly hearing about Brave Writer. If you read around homeschool blogs for more than five minutes you are going to hear about someone raving about Julie and Brave Writer. And for good reason. Remember when I was…

Our Free Homeschool Grade 1 Language Arts Curriculum - lots of reading and a bit of writing.

Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Language Arts Curriculum

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing how I am planning our practically free grade one curriculum. Today I’m on to our language arts curriculum. You can check out the rest of the series here: Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Math Curriculum Our Free Grade 1 Spanish Curriculum Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Music Curriculum Our (Practically…

Our curriculum plans for homeschooling grade one and preschool.
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An Overview of Our Homemade Grade 1 & Preschool Curriculums

Today is our official start to our first year homeschooling! I have been waiting for this day for about 3 years and I’m kind of nervous that it will all blow up in our faces, I don’t think it will but that fear is definitely there. When I started thinking about what I all wanted…