Our Monthly Homeschool Library Haul - lots of fun math and science books!
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We got some great books in our homeschool library haul this month! I may have gone a little overboard requesting all (okay, almost all) the DK Smithsonian books . . . Check out the video to hear my thoughts and get a peek inside the books. I’ll link the books below incase you want to check…

MARCH HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL - a variety of books we've recently checked out from the library

MARCH HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL 📚 a variety of books we’ve recently checked out from the library

I always have fun sharing the books we got out from the library. Here’s a recent stack of books we’ve check out!       BOOKS MENTIONED The Great Cake Mystery Case Closed – The Mystery in the Mansion Thirty Days Has September – Cool Ways to Remember Stuff Cool Flexagon Art Jambo Means Hello…

Homeschool Library Haul - see inside some great library books
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HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL: some recent favorites, see inside these great books for kids

Once again I have another library haul to share! We’ve been getting some really good books from the library lately and the kids have spent hours pouring over them. These have been some of our favorites.      

Homeschool Library Haul: a peek inside some great fiction and non-fiction books, plus graphic novels  Private
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Homeschool Library Haul: a peek inside some great fiction and non-fiction books, plus graphic novels Private

Today I thought I would show you a little library haul! Since our library has a limit of 100 books per card we make good use of our library. I know not everyone has such a great library service so I thought it may be helpful to see inside some of the books we’ve gotten…