How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum - Our Simple and Relaxed Unschooling Homeschool Plan
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How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum

Today I am sharing how I go about planning our homeschool year without a curriculum. We are officially unschoolers which means we are relaxed and have a simple homeschool rhythm and setting broad goals for the year works well for our family.       RESOURCES MENTIONED Homeschool Vision Planner Broad Homeschool Goals

How do You Start Homeschooling? How to Homeschool Legally and Find a Method and Homeschool Style that Works for Your Family
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How to Start Homeschooling: homeschool legally and find a method that works for your family

You have decided you want to homeschool but how do you actually start homeschooling? How do you make sure you are homeschooling legally as well as how do you really educate your children? I will be tackling those two questions today. If you have been homeschooling for years but feel like you are stuck in…

The 5 Most Popular Homeschool Methods and Styles Explained

The 5 Most Popular Homeschool Methods and Styles Explained

I’m not really the kind of person who likes to put myself in a box (I’m a rebel through and through) BUT I have found it helpful to figure out what homeschool method works best for us. We just finished our fourth year homeschooling and we finally hit our stride in the last few months…

Why We Are Switching to Unschooling

Why I’ve Been Scared of Unschooling and Why We’re Officially Switching

We are close to closing out on our fourth year homeschooling (!!!! How did that go so quickly?!) and it’s time to make some changes, officially. There are a variety of homeschool methods, including one I wish I could do but just doesn’t suit my personality and our life. For the past four years I…

Our Summer Homeschooling - Heartschooling Ideal Rhythm
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Our Ideal Summer Heartschooling Rhythm

If you have been here for any length of time you’ll probably already know that I am not big on schedules. I mean, I’ve created broad annual goals each year to avoid them and my mini planner is perfect for those with schedule avoidance. But I wanted to go a little deeper into my heartschooling…

Homeschooling the Heart - Our Summer Plan
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Our Homeschool Summer Plan – Teaching the Heart

Hey guys, so, I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few weeks now. Really, ever since I shared what did and didn’t work this past year in our homeschool, but I just had so many other things on my list I needed to get checked off and I just barely sent our stuff in…