How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum - Our Simple and Relaxed Unschooling Homeschool Plan
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How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum

Today I am sharing how I go about planning our homeschool year without a curriculum. We are officially unschoolers which means we are relaxed and have a simple homeschool rhythm and setting broad goals for the year works well for our family.       RESOURCES MENTIONED Homeschool Vision Planner Broad Homeschool Goals

Why We Are Switching to Unschooling

Why I’ve Been Scared of Unschooling and Why We’re Officially Switching

We are close to closing out on our fourth year homeschooling (!!!! How did that go so quickly?!) and it’s time to make some changes, officially. There are a variety of homeschool methods, including one I wish I could do but just doesn’t suit my personality and our life. For the past four years I…

Unschooling - what is it, how do you do it and do unschooled kids actually learn anything?

What Is Unschooling? How Do You Unschool & Do Unschooled Kids Learn Anything?

Today I want to tackle three big questions: what is unschooling? how do you unschool? and do unschooled kids learn anything? A year ago we were very much leaning towards the idea of homeschooling and there were so many things I didn’t know about homeschooling (there still are!), at the time I thought unschooling was…