our homeschool plans for DECEMBER 🎄 Advent, morning basket, nature study and more!
Here’s a look into our homeschool plans for the month of December!
Here’s a look into our homeschool plans for the month of December!
It’s time for another school year and I wanted to kick things off by sharing what is in our September Morning Basket! RESOURCES MENTIONED * You can tune into the Poured Out Podcast here. * Here is a list of some of our favorite family games. * Get $5 off your first order from Book…
Today I wanted to share all about the homeschool morning basket! Though, to be honest, our morning basket isn’t usually in a basket, and doesn’t always take place in the morning . . . We take the general idea of a morning basket and make it work for our family and I highly recommend you…
A new month means it’s time to share what is in our Brain Box for the month! This is our third month with using our Brain Box and it’s so nice to have our main resources for the month so handy. If you missed the previous months you can also check out our January Brain…
We are continuing to use our brain box and I changed up our contents from our December box. Our Brain Box has a few different purposes. First of all, it helps me to pull out some resources I may otherwise have forgotten about. It also helps me to be intentional in choosing a few different…
Like I mentioned in the post where I shared that we were officially quitting the Charlotte Mason method, we’ve started a little thing we call Brain Stain. Brain Stain in our take on the idea of Morning Time though it is not always in the morning so for the reason I didn’t like the name, plus…