How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum - Our Simple and Relaxed Unschooling Homeschool Plan
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How I Plan Our Homeschool Year Without a Curriculum

Today I am sharing how I go about planning our homeschool year without a curriculum. We are officially unschoolers which means we are relaxed and have a simple homeschool rhythm and setting broad goals for the year works well for our family.       RESOURCES MENTIONED Homeschool Vision Planner Broad Homeschool Goals

Homeschool Book & Resource Haul - lots of fiction and non-fiction books for our homeschool

Homeschool Book & Resource Haul: fiction and non-fiction books we’ll be using in our homeschool

We’ve acquired a lot of new homeschool books and resources and wanted to show a homeschool book and resource haul with you today! Also, I decided to start a homeschool specific YouTube channel! I will be using this space to share all sorts of homeschool things including tips for beginners, resources we are loving, homeschool…

What's Been Working in Our Homeschool Lately, Resources We're Loving & Things I Need to Change
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What’s Been Working in Our Homeschool Lately, Resources We’re Loving & Things I Need to Change

I thought it would be fun to start a new series here on things that have been working in our homeschool lately, resources we’re loving and things I need to change. We are doing year rounds schooling this year so while lots of people are closing out their school year we will just continue on…