Our favorite science resources in our homeschool as well as how I teach science without a curriculum
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TEACHING SCIENCE WITHOUT A CURRICULUM: and some of our favorite homeschool science resources

Welcome back to the last official installment in the Homeschooling Without a Curriculum series! If you’ve missed the series you can see all the posts here. We’ve already covered language arts, math, history and now today is science!       Book Outlet Referral Code (get $10 off your first order).   OUR FAVORITE SCIENCE…

Educational Videos for Kids

20 Educational (Mostly Science) Videos We’ve Been Watching in Our Homeschool Lately

During this time of sustained social isolation we’ve been turning to YouTube more than usual. We’ve always enjoyed a good (usually educational) video on YouTube but now without the ability to really do much outside the house we’ve definitely increased our YouTube consumption. I don’t really feel too bad because 1) these are weird times…

Fall Nature Study Ideas and a Free Printable Autumn Nature Scavenger Hunt

Fall Nature Study Ideas & A Free Autumn Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable

We are well into fall here in the Canadian prairies and I figured it was about time I shared some ideas for fall nature study. To be honest, nature study is not something I am naturally good at. But I’m trying. Apparently my trying has been at least somewhat successful because a few weeks ago my…