Relax Unschooling Homeschool Week in the Life

a RELAXED homeschool WEEK IN THE LIFE (while mom is sick) PLUS a homeschool NOTION tour!

I didn’t expect to get sick while starting to film this homeschool week in the life but that’s what happened. It’s a good reminder of how much I enjoy the flexibility of our relaxed homeschool. Also, I recently made the decision to abandon my homeschool YouTube channel and I will just be sporadically sharing homeschool…

Butterflies & Bees Research Unit - Homeschool Unit Study - Homeschool Day in the Life
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How Our Homeschool Looked This Morning

Today I thought I would show you a look into what our homeschool looked like this morning. We are currently alternating between the Flight Research Unit and the Butterflies & Bees Research Unit and alternating within the Butterflies & Bees. So, one day we do Flight then the next is Butterflies, then back to Flight, then Bees, then…

Homeschool Day in the Life - Summer Edition - a look into our relaxed and unschooly summer homeschool

HOMESCHOOL DAY IN THE LIFE ☀️ summer edition ☀️ our super relaxed summer homeschool

Hey guys, today I wanted to share a peek into a day in the life of our homeschooling in the summer! We are very relaxed homeschoolers, especially in the summer. This video is in collaboration with @The Eclectic Homeschooler – be sure to subscribe to her channel and watch their day in the life!  …

Homeschool Day in the Life - A Peek into Our Unschooling Homeschool - January 2021
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Homeschool Day in the Life – A Peek into Our Unschooling Homeschool – January 2021

Hey guys, I am excited to be back with an unschooling day in the life today! In the last year I’ve shared a few of these in video format (like here and here) but this day in the life is coming at you in pictures and written word. I realized, it’s as lot easier to…

Unschooling Homeschool Day in the Life - DITL of a Christian Unschooling Family
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Unschooling Day in the Life: take a look into a homeschooling day in the life

I’ve got another homeschooling day in the life for you today! This DITL was totally impromptu, my kids have been oozing creativity lately and I wanted to capture that. I think a lot of the creativity has come from our “simple schedule”, making sure they have time to be creative each day (and kind of…