Simple Homeschool Schedule - our simple three part homeschool schedule and routine for the summer
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Simple Homeschool Schedule: the simple homeschool rhythm we are following

We have hit our groove this summer with a very simple homeschool schedule. I know this schedule definitely won’t be involved enough for some people but it has been working really well for our family! I’m totally planning on pulling this rhythm/routine/checklist into the fall.       My free Unschooling with Intention Workshop. My…

Homeschool Mini Planner - includes monthly planning sheets, weekly record sheets, unit study planner sheets and book lists sheets! Perfect for eclectic and minimal homeschoolers
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The Intentional Homeschooling Mini Planner

Today I’m excited to share something with you that I have been thinking about for quite some time: a homeschool mini planner! I am a planner girl through and through but traditional planners and most homeschool planners don’t work with our relaxed/minimal/homeschooling as a lifestyle ways. I like to have a little bit of planning…

Minimalist Homeschool Room Tour - Intentional Homeschooling
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Minimalist Homeschool Room Tour

Today I’ve got a guest post from Rochelle Garrison Cocomello, she is going to show us inside her minimalist homeschool room. If we had a designated homeschool space I imagine it would look similar to this. Enjoy the peek inside their homeschool room! – Chantel   One question I often get asked is “how do you…

The Seven Best Homeschool Art Supplies - great for minimalist homeschooling

The Best Homeschool Art Supplies for a Minimalist Homeschool

I enjoy working on creative projects and probably because they see me creating all the time they are constantly wanting to work on something too. My art supply wishlist is miles long, I’m always hearing about fun new supplies. But even though I’d like to have all the art supplies I do try to keep…

Decluttering Books - Minimalist Homeschooling

Decluttering Books – Minimalist Homeschooling

In case you’ve missed it, we love books around here. I think the idea of being able to justify buying a bunch of books may have sparked my initial interest in homeschooling. I love seeing what other homeschooling families are up to, especially the novels and picture books they are reading as well as the encyclopedias and…

Simplifying Our Homeschool Schedule - Minimalist Homeschooling

Simplifying Our Homeschool Schedule – Minimalist Homeschooling

In the beginning of December I started to realize our homeschool schedule was not working very well for us. I would plan our day and rarely would we get to it all. It wasn’t because I was planning a whole lot in the day, but every time I mentioned what we were going to do…