What's Been Working in Our Homeschool Lately, Resources We're Loving & Things I Need to Change
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What’s Been Working in Our Homeschool Lately, Resources We’re Loving & Things I Need to Change

I thought it would be fun to start a new series here on things that have been working in our homeschool lately, resources we’re loving and things I need to change. We are doing year rounds schooling this year so while lots of people are closing out their school year we will just continue on…

What's working (and not working) in our homeschool

What’s Currently Working (and Not Working) In Our Homeschool

We are a few weeks into the new homeschool year and I thought it would be a good time to step back and re-evaluate what is (and isn’t) working. This stepping back was very helpful for me and I hope to continue to do it on a monthly-ish basis, hopefully I’ll see some growth from…

Our homeschool mid-year review - what is and isn't working!

Our Homeschool Mid-Year Review – What Is (And Isn’t) Working

We officially started homeschooling about mid-August so here we are now, about four months into grade 1 and three-year-old preschool. My main reason for starting this blog in the summer was to document out journey, I’m one of those people that likes to write out what I’m going through (like with our adoption). I also…