CURRICULUM HAUL – for preschool, grade one, six & nine!
I recently ordered some curriculum for the fall from Christian Book, here’s what I all got!

I recently ordered some curriculum for the fall from Christian Book, here’s what I all got!
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing how I am planning our practically free grade one curriculum. Today I’m on to our science curriculum. You can check out the rest of the series here: Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Math Curriculum Our Free Grade 1 Spanish Curriculum Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Music Curriculum Our (Practically Free) Grade…
Today I thought I would show you a look into what our homeschool looked like this morning. We are currently alternating between the Flight Research Unit and the Butterflies & Bees Research Unit and alternating within the Butterflies & Bees. So, one day we do Flight then the next is Butterflies, then back to Flight, then Bees, then…
I am starting out already numbering this post (01) because I know I will be updating it over time. I posted a photo on Instagram a few weeks ago of our homeschool cart and it was a huge hit, everyone wanted to know more, it’s already changed quite a bit since then, plus, every time…
So, I’ve never done one of these but I thought I would show our curriculum plans for grade 6 for the fall. I’m using the term “curriculum” very loosely here. We are very much eclectic homeschoolers, bordering on the unschooling side but this year my daughter is going into grade six and I want to…
I am super excited to be sharing the plan I’ve made for Raeca’s grade two year, especially since today is our first official day of homeschooling for the year! This curriculum will also be turned into a free app like the preschool one, I’ll update here when that’s up! After last year I decided that…
Alright, I’ve been promising to share our Charlotte Mason homemade homeschool schedule/curriculum that I’ve put together for this year and it’s taken me awhile to get it all sorted out but here it finally is! Just a few things to note before we get into it . . . We are not Charlotte Mason purists….