Using Digital Books in Our Homeschool - Plus while we are travelling!
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Using Digital Books in Our Homeschool & While Travelling

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Last week while we were on our trip to Mexico I managed to read six books.

To me that qualifies as a good vacation!

While I love physical books (I mean, do you follow me on Instagram?!) I also do a lot of reading of ebooks. I love having a number of books at my finger tips. And when going on a trip it means I don’t have to pack dozens of books because I’m not sure what kind of book I’ll be in the mood for, all I need to pack is my tablet and make sure it’s loaded with a variety of books.

For this trip I decided to do the same thing but for the kids!

Using Digital Books in Our Homeschool - Plus while we are travelling!

We use Epic! and the kids and I went through together and found some books for each of them for the trip.

I like that many of the books can be downloaded and accessed offline so we don’t need constant access to the internet because good wifi isn’t always easy to come by when you are travelling.

Raeca chose some Boxcar Children chapter books and Ephraim chose a variety of picture books like the classic Jonathan Cleaned Up and Then He Heard a Sound by Robert Munsch, and he also chose a few non-fiction picture books (one on bald eagles and one on the earth’s surface).

Also, a fun note on the picture books: they have quite a few picture books that are “Read to Me” which is great for kids that aren’t quite reading, that way Ephraim can have his book read to him which can be handy when we are on the plane and I’m not sitting beside him or at home when he wants to have a book read to him but everyone else is occupied at the moment.

Using Digital Books in Our Homeschool - Plus while we are travelling!

I am slowly trying to get more and more into digital books for myself (it all goes with my desire to live more simply) and I love that my kids enjoy digital books and while we will not be abandoning hard copies any time soon I am excited to add more digital books into our homeschool days.

If you are interested in Epic! you can get a free trial for 30 days and see how it works for your family. After that it’s just $5 a month which is less than the cost of one book!

I actually wrote a full post about Epic! and the things we love about them awhile ago, you can read that whole post here!

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