
A Homeschool Day in the Life – Kindergarten and Grade Three

I love getting a little peek into the lives of other homeschoolers and today I thought I would give you a little peek into our homeschool!

I mentioned last week in our homeschool cart tour that I have plan on doing a few more videos this year, and a day in the life of our homeschool was the most requested video.

It took us a few weeks to get into our homeschool groove this year, as is the case every year, but we are into a really good rhythm right now. So, one day last week I captured the majority of our homeschool day on video. Unfortunately for the video quality it was a really dark and overcast day, but that’s fairly minor.

Originally I thought it would be fun to do a new Day in the Life video each month but I’m using a very old computer for the editing and it took longer than I expected so that may or may not happen.

Side note: There is a nod to one of my favorite movies (You’ve Got Mail) in the video, see if you can catch it!


A Homeschool Day in the Life - a peek into a typical homeschool day in the life - kindergarten and grade three


I hope you enjoy this look into our homeschool day!

If you want to instantly get notified when we have new videos up you can subscribe on YouTube: [sm-youtube-subscribe]



The Ology

Little Pilgrim’s Progress


Story of the World: Volume 2

Bless This House

Brain Quest Quiz Cards: Kindergarten

A Big Guy Took My Ball

our favorite poetry books

Bedtime Math

Life of Fred


If you would like to see more Day in the Life videos or other homeschool videos, let me know!

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  1. I am not a huge fan of videos. I usually catch up on my blogs while putting the kiddo to sleep and watching them just doesn’t work. Podcasts I love, I have Alexa play them while I am getting stuff done in our kitchen. Love your blog!

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