20 Educational (Mostly Science) Videos We’ve Been Watching in Our Homeschool Lately
During this time of sustained social isolation we’ve been turning to YouTube more than usual.
We’ve always enjoyed a good (usually educational) video on YouTube but now without the ability to really do much outside the house we’ve definitely increased our YouTube consumption.
I don’t really feel too bad because 1) these are weird times we are living in and 2) most of the videos are educational (and a few of them are just watching people make giant candy, which is educational in its own way).
I thought I would go through our YouTube watch history and share some of the videos we’ve been watching lately in case you are looking for some good videos to watch.
If you have some good videos or channels to share, I would love for you to leave a comment below so we can check them out!
20 Educational (Mostly Science) Videos We’ve Been Watching in Our Homeschool Lately
Let’s start with some self isolation tips from a guy who knows what he is talking about:
I already don’t like the idea of devices listening all the time, and this video gives a good explanation of why I’m on the right track:
Mark Rober’s videos are always a hit, and a hot tub full of sand is no exception:
We have also watched a number of pandemic/Coronavirus videos:
Ephraim’s been asking questions about black holes so we watched a couple of videos:
My kids love Lego, so it was cool to watch how it is made:
Sometimes you just want to see things dropped from up high:
I made a DIY Escape Room for my kids a couple of weeks ago and we’ve been talking about doing a family escape room tome time, and now we’ve got all the tricks to solve it:
This will make you never want to go in a pool again:
Mark Rober is currently having live science classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:
And then there were just a bunch of fun candy-related videos:
What are some of your favorite YouTube videos and channels to watch with your kids?