Explore the World From Your Home – A Digital Resource Guide

I got the travel itch when I was young, we actually didn’t do a whole lot of traveling as a family but some how the travel bug still formed. There is a good chance it was thanks to all the books I read as a child and my mom’s constant references to wanting to travel to Italy.

When I turned 18 I grabbed the bull by the horns (so they say, though I grew up on a dairy farm and never would I actually grab a bull by the horns), and I agreed to be an au pair in England for a few months.

The itch to travel is a funny one, the more you itch it the more it itches.

I want to see so many different places and I want to take my children to them all. But somehow I am a homebody at the same time. I love visiting new countries and I love staying at home sitting in my comfy chair.

Also, at this point it hasn’t be possible for us to do a lot of travelling for the last few years. After we came home from South Africa we had a bunch of paperwork to complete and Ephraim couldn’t really leave the country.

While we’ve been in this stage of having to stay close to home I’ve created a digital resource guide for exploring the world from your own home! The reason people choose to explore the world from home will be different for everyone, for some it may be a choice and for others a necessity, either way, I’m thankful for the technology we have and the ability to explore the world right from where we are!

Explore the World - A resource guide for learning about different countries around the world without having to leave your home!

The Explore the World From Your Home Digital Resource Guide is an ever-growing resource as I’ll be continually updating it as I come across great new resources. In addition, I’ll be adding 1-2 countries to the guide each month.

At the beginning of the guide there is an overview of our absolute favorite resources for learning about the world: books, videos, links, and more! And each country will include a book list, virtual reality tours, a variety of video clips to watch and online treks you can explore and discover! Plus many countries have a variety of other features like links to how to draw videos that are applicable to the country.

Want to see a little preview? Check out what our guide for France looks like!

Explore the World from Your Home - a digital resource for guides who want to learn about the world without having to leave their home (or spend a lot of money)!

The Explore the World Resource Guide is great for families that want to explore the world using the best resources that have already been cultivated for them.

If you like checking books out from the library and immersing yourself and your family in a topic for a period of time I think you’ll love this resource.

If you love the idea of being able to virtually swim with turtles in the Great Barrier Reef, walk along the Eiffel Tower and see polar bears in their natural environment, this resource was made for you!

Go ahead, Explore the World from Your Home!

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