Free Vikings Unit Study - a great unit for your elementary homeschool
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Vikings Unit Study

Update: this unit study is no longer available for free.

Okay guys, I’m excited to finally share our Vikings Unit Study with you!

I’ve been talking about this unit study for the last few weeks in my videos and newsletter and now it’s time to share it.

My original plan for this unit study was just to grab a few good books, some relevant information and random free worksheets from online but Jared took my tiny idea and made it into something awesome!

Free Vikings Unit Study - a great unit for your elementary homeschool - Free Homeschool Curriculum Unit Studies


I have a few disclaimers about the unity study before we get started, you can watch the video below or read on for my disclaimers and how to download the unit study.

ONE: We made this unit study specifically for our kids levels and interests so while our son was in grade two and our daughter was in grade five the workbooks are not specifically “grade two level” and “grade five level”.

TWO: We’ve only included the workbooks our kids used and don’t have others for other ages. We do plan on making more unit studies in the future that will include a range of ages.

THREE: I didn’t include an answer key, future unit studies will have them.

FOUR: Feel free to make this unit study work for you, I explained a few different ways on how to do this in the video.

Free Vikings Unit Study - a great unit for your elementary homeschool


This unit study includes:

  • Parent’s Guide
  • Toddler Coloring Pages
  • Adventurer Workbook (approximately grade 2)
  • Explorer Workbook (approximately grade 5)

Each day the workbooks cover:

  • History
  • Bible (memory verse)
  • Math
  • Language Arts

Some days include additional subjects like art and geography. And the Parent’s Guide includes a number of optional projects.

Free Vikings Unit Study - a great unit for your elementary homeschool


Okay, are you in?

If so, you can head over here to download the free Vikings Unit Study!

If you have ideas for topics you would like to see for future unit studies, let me know.

Free Vikings Unit Study - a great unit for your elementary homeschool


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