Pictures Books That Will Have Kids Laughing Out Loud

Ten Funny Picture Books That Will Have Kids Laughing Out Loud

My kids, like most I know, love to laugh. It’s always a lot of fun around here when we find a picture book that has them laughing out loud. Ephraim has the cutest little giggle which gets me and Raeca laughing, it’s a great bonding experience. 🙂

These are a few books that get us giggling. If you have any favorite funny picture books you’d recommend leave a comment below, we’d love to check them out!

This post has been so popular and we enjoy funny picture books so much that I’ve written two more funny picture book lists. Check out one of the lists here and the other here. Plus the list of funny chapter books here.


Picture books that are so funny they will have your kids laughing out loud!


We have a number of different goals when we get books from the library, most are educational in some way and some are just plain funny, because you’ve got to enjoy life a little!




Funny Picture Books That Will Have Kid Laughing Out Loud





How can a book with no pictures be hilarious? You’ll have to read it to find out!

The Book With No Pictures

You might think a book with no pictures seems boring and serious. Except . . . here’s how books work. Everything written on the page has to be said by the person reading it aloud. Even if the words say . . . BLORK. Or BLUURF. Even if the words are a preposterous song about eating ants for breakfast, or just a list of astonishingly goofy sounds like BLAGGITY BLAGGITY and GLIBBITY GLOBBITY. Cleverly irreverent and irresistibly silly, The Book with No Pictures is one that kids will beg to hear again and again. (And parents will be happy to oblige.)



This book sets Ephraim off in giggles every time.

Please, Open This Book!

Similar to The Book With No Pictures, I would never put this down as a literary classic but the kids enjoyed having it read to them so much, Ephraim was laughing out loud he was enjoying it so much. A great book to instill the love of reading and books in children.



Shh! We Have a Plan

Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! “Hello birdie,” waves one. “Shh! We have a plan,” hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea.



What’s with kids and thinking underwear are hilarious? Because of this, they love this book.

Polar Bear’s Underwear

Polar Bear has lost his underwear! Where could it be? There’s only one thing to do: Remove the book’s underwear-shaped bellyband to find the missing pair! Is that Polar Bear’s underwear? No, it’s Zebra’s—see the colorful stripes? What about that itty-bitty pair? No, those belong to Butterfly! And so the search continues, with every page revealing an animal in eye-popping undies. This laugh-out-loud, one-of-a-kind novelty book from Japanese design talents tupera tupera will surprise and amuse children and their parents, all while affirming the importance of putting on your underwear.



Oh, Robert Munsch, he’s definitely one of the funniest authors out there.

I Have to Go!

When Andrew takes a trip to visit his grandparents, everyone keeps asking him if he has to pee. After Andrew wets his bed, Andrew and Grandpa go to the bathroom together.



See, Munsch’s so funny he’s got two books on this list!

Thomas’ Snowsuit

Thomas refuses to wear his new snowsuit despite the pleas of his mother, his teacher, and even his principal.



The Bear Who Wasn’t There

This book is about Bear . . . so what happens when he doesn’t show up on his page? Who will find him? Will it be Giraffe, who himself seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or Cow, or perhaps even the author herself? One thing’s for sure–it probably won’t be Duck. Duck doesn’t seem concerned that Bear is missing. In fact, he seems to be trying to steal the show for himself! Duck would much prefer that the reader pick up his own book, The Duck Who Showed Up. He even disguises himself as Bear in an attempt to fool the reader. But after pages and pages of Duck’s antics and search-party chaos, Bear appears somewhere utterly unexpected. In fact, it looks like someone may have tried to get rid of him on purpose . . .



Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs is a new take on the fairy-tale classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears, so funny and so original—it could only come from the brilliant mind of Mo Willems. Once upon a time, there were three hungry Dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur . . . and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. One day—for no particular reason—they decided to tidy up their house, make the beds, and prepare pudding of varying temperatures. And then—for no particular reason—they decided to go . . . someplace else. They were definitely not setting a trap for some succulent, unsupervised little girl. Definitely not!



Spoiler: it’s not a serious book. 🙂

This Is a Serious Book

This is a very serious book. Nothing silly is allowed. There are no funny faces, no clowns, and definitely no shenanigans. A serious book is always respectful, and, of course, is always in black and white. But wait! Who’s this? Zebra might be black and white, but he is NOT serious. And he and his friends are ruining the book with their antics, parades, and parties! This funny and irreverent book that pits its narrator against its characters in a hilarious way invites reader participation and encourages kids to think about writing their own books and stories—just as donkey does here in the end.



Let Me Finish!

When our young hero settles in to read, the last thing he wants is for some noisy animals to ruin the ending of the story. But ruin it they do. And as it turns out, the boy is quickly approaching a surprise ending of his own! Maybe he should have listened to the animals after all. . . .

Remember you can check out another funny picture book lists here and another here.

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  1. Our favorite is, “Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake”. The first time I read it I could barely finish it because I was laughing so hard!

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