GRADE 5 BOOK LIST – middle grade books I’m recommending my 5th grader read in our homeschool
Here’s a list of books I am recommending to my son who is going into grade 5 to read this next year!
I really value a lot of the classics. We definitely don’t just read classics (which you’ll realize right away when you look at our book lists), but there is a reason these books have stood the test of time. While I was an avid reader as a child I hardly read any classics, something I…
My kids, like most I know, love to laugh. It’s always a lot of fun around here when we find a picture book that has them laughing out loud. Ephraim has the cutest little giggle which gets me and Raeca laughing, it’s a great bonding experience. š These are a few books that get us…
I always have a lot of fun with these annual picture book lists. For the past few years I’ve created round ups of the best of the best at the end of the year (2018, 2017 and 2016) and I will often share a few of our favorites throughout the year as well. This is…
This year we will be taking some time to study the history of the world. It’s first grade so obviously we aren’t going to study the entire history of the world in one year but we are going to take some time each quarter to learn a little about one time period and I’m hoping…
Month three of the year is almost upon us so it’s time for another monthly book list – this time it’s the March picture book list! Overall March can be a pretty great month – the weather starts warming up and you’ve got St. Patrick’s Day and spring and every few years Easter is even…
The term living books is a very popular one in homeschooling, but what are living books? Simply Charlotte Mason explains them this way: Living books are usually written by one person who has a passion for the subject and writes in conversational or narrative style. The books pull you into the subject and involve your emotions, so…