GRADE 8 BOOK LIST – middle grade & YA books I’m recommending my 8th grader read in our homeschool
Here’s a list of books I am recommending to my daughter, who is going into grade 8, to read.

Back in the spring we spent quite a bit of time studying knights. I was reading Knights in Training and hosted an online book club about the book and then I took my kids through some knight training exercises. I would highly recommend grabbing a copy of Knights in Training and reading through…
Today I am collaborating with Abby from Bear Hill Family to share some early reader chapter books with you! My second child is in/just getting out of the early reader chapter book stage so I wanted to share some books that have been favorites of my kids over the years. If you have some great…
It feels like forever since I’ve written a book list! I used to do them every week but I took a little break and it’s been hard to get back in the habit, but I plan on bringing them back every two weeks, if there is a specific genre/type of book list you would like,…
If there was one area I was to say we were rocking it when it comes to homeschooling it would have to be reading. That really should come as no surprise. We read a number of picture books each month, Raeca reads a few chapter books on her own and we are killing it when…
We are going to be taking it fairly easy this summer (we all need a little time to decompress) but we wouldn’t be true to ourselves if we didn’t have a summer reading list in place. I’ve gathered some chapter books that I’d love to read aloud to my daughter this summer, I’m not sure…
I was inspired by Julie from The Kreke Family on YouTube to do a video sharing our favorite picture books since she has been sharing videos all this month in response to the homeschool challenge I have been hosting over on Instagram. As I went through the house and grabbed our favorites I realized we…