#HereIsOurHomeschool An Instagram Prompt Challenge
There is only one more week until the #HereIsOurHomeschool Instagram prompt challenge kicks off!
I ran this challenge last May for the first time and had so much fun with it I ran it in September again!
I’m using the term “challenge” very loosely, you can feel free to share something for all the prompts or just some of them, no one is going to give you a grade or care if you miss a few days.
Last year I found it to be a good exercise to look back on our school year and I found so much inspiration from others who joined in.
Because I know we are busy homeschool mamas I intentionally did not give prompts for the weekends. We can all use that time to catch up or just relax, plus I try to not be on social media on the weekends much at all and this helps me to continue to mostly unplug on the weekends.
I would love for you to follow on Instagram to join in or just follow along!