The Seven Best Homeschool Art Supplies - great for minimalist homeschooling

The Best Homeschool Art Supplies for a Minimalist Homeschool

I enjoy working on creative projects and probably because they see me creating all the time they are constantly wanting to work on something too.

My art supply wishlist is miles long, I’m always hearing about fun new supplies. But even though I’d like to have all the art supplies I do try to keep our art supplies to a minimum, after all, I have the desire to be a minimalist homeschooler.

Today I wanted to share our seven favorite art supplies, these are currently must-haves in our homeschool art cart.


The Seven Best Homeschool Art Supplies - great for minimalist homeschooling




While we’ve almost always used sketchbooks for our art, I did make the realization a few weeks ago, after I had been cleaning up dozens of pieces of paper that sketchbooks are so great at reducing the paper clutter that so often occurs in our house.

When it comes to sketchbooks I would suggest trying out a variety of different sizes and styles and seeing what works best for your family. The ones we use right now are fairly large and work well for at home but wouldn’t be so great for taking on a trip.


The Seven Best Homeschool Art Supplies - great for minimalist homeschooling



We have a couple of different watercolor sets, while I’ve only really been using watercolors for the past year they’ve really become one of my favorite art supplies. The kids use this set and I use this travel set.



Okay, truthfully, I have a love/hate relationship with acrylic paints and kids. I don’t like that they don’t wash out of clothes and I always try to remember to get the kids to put old clothes on before they use them, but you really can’t beat the color vibrancy and variations for such cheap bottles.



Any old paint brush works in my books, I have tried cheap ones and expensive ones and found that it can be hit or miss either way. I’ve tried cheap ones that worked great (and some that didn’t) and expensive ones that were awful (and some that were great). I obviously don’t have a specific recommendation here but when you find some you like, buy a few!



I used to think pencil crayons (that’s what we call colored pencils up here in Canada) were all the same, until I tried some Prismacolors. Turns out there is such a thing as really good quality colored pencils, and they are worth the extra money.



Okay, so I wouldn’t say that every family has to have oil pastels but they are a lot of fun and are so unique I had to include them on this list. They are kinda like crayons in a tiny way but so much more vibrant.


The Seven Best Homeschool Art Supplies - great for minimalist homeschooling



We use a lot of black Sharpies in our sketchbooks, the extra fine ones are our favorites. We use them to draw the outlines of our project and then color the insides with watercolor, colored pencils, etc.


And there you have it! What I would consider the best art supplies to have for any homeschool. Admittedly, we have more than this but I am actually working on reducing the number of supplies we have and if I got it down to only these seven items we could still do a lot of creating.

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