7 Books to Help You in Your Homeschool Days
I thought it might be beneficial to share my favorite homeschooling books. Not all of these are actually homeschooling books but they all help me in homeschooling in one way or another. For instance, Reading Magic is about reading aloud to our children and is for every parent and has tips in it that I believe will help me in my homeschooling days.
I used to have a very blurred view on unschooling, this book put it into perspective for me and it’s made me realize how we do a lot of this in our day already. I loved reading how they incorporate school into their every day life, also, anyone that affirms my belief that travel is one of the best ways to learn is someone I am going to listen to.
An Unschooling Manifesto
A “normal” American family decides that normal just isn’t cutting it anymore. They start doing crazy things like visiting 52 zoos in 52 weeks, taking a 5-week trip to Cambodia, quitting school, and going down this crazy path called unschooling. They decided to take the road less traveled, and it has made all the difference.
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide To Classical Education At Home
The Well-Trained Mind will instruct you, step by step, on how to give your child an academically rigorous, comprehensive education from preschool through high school—one that will train him or her to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning. Using this theory as your model, you’ll be able to instruct your child—whether full-time or as a supplement to classroom education—in all levels of reading, writing, history, geography, mathematics, science, foreign languages, rhetoric, logic, art, and music, regardless of your own aptitude in those subjects.
Seasons of a Mothers Heart
Your life as a mom is a whirlwind of changing seasons that can just as easily exhaust as exhilarate you. Sit down, take a few moments, and allow yourself to be refreshed and encouraged by a few stories, insights, and lessons from a friend. Sally Clarkson opens her heart within the pages of this timeless classic, sharing what she has learned as a homeschooling wife and mother — about herself, her children, and her Lord.
A Charlotte Mason Companion
A Charlotte Mason Companion gives you powerful tools to create an extraordinary learning experience. At the turn of every page, you will meet a practical idea and the inspiration to carry it out. Topics on using good books, heroes in history, poetry, art and music appreciation, nature study, the atmosphere of home, the discipline of habit, keeping up enthusiasm, (to name a few) are referred to again and again by Karen s readers
The Core: teaching your child the foundations of classical education
In the past, correct spelling, the multiplication tables, the names of the state capitals and the American presidents were basics that all children were taught in school. Today, many children graduate without this essential knowledge. Most curricula today follow a haphazard sampling of topics with a focus on political correctness instead of teaching students how to study. Leigh Bortins, a leading figure in the homeschooling community, is having none of it. She believes that there are core areas of knowledge that are essential to master. Without knowing the multiplication tables, children can’t advance to algebra. Without mastery of grammar, students will have difficulty expressing themselves. Without these essential building blocks of knowledge, students may remember information but they will never possess a broad and deep understanding of how the world works. In The Core, Bortins gives parents the tools and methodology to implement a rigorous, thorough, and broad curriculum based on the classical model, including:
– Rote memorization to cement knowledge
– Systematic learning of geography, historical facts, and timelines
– Reading the great books and seminal historical documents instead of adaptations and abridged editions
– Rigorous training in math and the natural sciences
Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever
Best-selling children’s author and internationally respected literacy expert Mem Fox reveals the incredible emotional and intellectual impact reading aloud to children has on their ability to learn to read. With passion and humor, Fox speaks of when, where, and why to read aloud and demonstrates how to read aloud to best effect and get the most out of a read-aloud session.
Give Your Child the World: Raising Globally Minded Kids One Book at a Time
Featuring a carefully curated reading treasury of the best children’s literature for each area of the globe, as well as practical parenting suggestions and inspiration, Give Your Child the World helps moms and dads raise insightful, compassionate kids who fall in love with the world and are prepared to change it for good.