Our Homeschool Month in Review - August

Our Homeschool Month: August in Review

I am definitely learning from experience that I shouldn’t take so long to write our monthly reviews, August has been over half a month ago, and now I’m straining to remember what we did during the month.

Well, we officially started our homeschool year on August 24th, so most of the month leading up to that was just intentionally soaking in the last bit of the official summer. Then when we did start we eased into it by starting on a Wednesday so most of the week was an introduction to what we would be learning.


We started off the school year doing a bit of printing. Raeca writes a lot of her own stories in her free time, which is awesome, but there are some areas we need to work on in printing, like the size of different letters, that “g” and “j” go below the line, etc.

Other than some printing we continued to read a number of books, check out the books we read this month here.


We spent some time learning about monkeys, and watched the Disneynature: Monkey Kingdom video on Netflix, which the kids loved, admittedly, I did too.


A lot of outside time again for August, soaking up as much of that summer sun as we can.

Our Homeschool Month in Review - August


For formal math we started into Raeca’s math workbook, it was mostly addition and subtraction up to 10. We are also constantly talking about math throughout the day, like when we are measuring in the kitchen or adding and subtracting random things.


We just did a little introduction to history and explained what a timeline is.


We spent August learning a bit about France but we mostly focused on Paris. We read a number of picture books about Paris and found it on the map. Raeca also drew the French flag (a nice easy flag to start with) and the Eiffel Tower via this Art for Kids Hub video.


Rae is doing a little bit of art in geography and through the notebooking she does for science. She is also just naturally taking time to lots of drawing. In September I plan on starting to teach her a bit about some famous paintings and using them as inspiration for creating some of her own artwork.


Ephraim has been my big surprise when it comes to homeschooling so far. This little boy who has not been interested in any letters or numbers or any type of writing asks me everyday what he will be learning. I do have a list of one simple thing I am going to do with him each day for a little 3 year old preschool curriculum and because that wasn’t enough for him he now has a simple preschool journal that he works in a little bit nearly every day.

I am curious to see if his interest in learning continues or if it is just a phase. Either way, I’m going to take advantage of it now while he’s interested!

How has the beginning of the school year been going for you?

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