Our Homeschool Month: July in Review
Well, July was a bit of a different homeschool month than June. Our month started out with a few days of camping with family and then Ephraim had eye surgery, so I knew those two weeks would be slow on the intentional learning front and be more of a vacation, but what I didn’t expect was for it to last the whole month.
This month we did almost nothing to work towards our summer homeschool plan. The break has been nice in a way but it has shown me that I’d prefer to do more of a year-round schooling approach, maybe something like 6 weeks on, one week off, we’ll have to see.
We’ve still be reading quite a bit, mostly picture books lately, which is good with me. I find I’m not that great at reading novels out loud (there is a reason I love audiobooks) but picture books I love reading aloud. (Check out the books we read this month here.)
We are still spending quite a bit of time outside, mostly biking around. Ephraim even learned how to drive his bike without training wheels (which I think is a pretty big feat for a little boy who just turned 3 in May).
We have observed some bugs and birds in our backyard. Raeca has enjoyed watching Octonauts lately and has been learning a bit about sea creatures, we’ve looked a few of them up after she watches to learn more and done a little more reading about the sea and the creatures that live in it.
Hmm, just a little bit of math in day-to-day life, we didn’t do anything formal.
Just some general looking on the map as we talk about different countries and places. Because of our science reading on oceans Raeca has decided she now wants to go whale watching off the coast of BC and go to Mexico to see dolphins, she better start saving her money!
We have continued to work with Ephraim to learn his letters, numbers and counting. Finally he seems to be making some progress with letters, they are actually starting to stick. So far we’ve just been focusing on uppercase letters, in the next few months we’ll start working on lowercase as well.
I thought we would be a bit more intentional with homeschooling this month but between the nice weather and me working on a few projects it’s hasn’t necessarily been a bad thing. Though I think we would all prefer our days to be a bit more structured so I’ll aim for that for August.
How has your summer learning been going?
Linking up with Chaotic Bliss Homeschooling.